Limited supply of polymers is a reality that affects manufacturing of hot melt adhesives

Polymer shortage that has been hitting us globally for several months affects more than 3,000 Spanish companies. Facing against this reality, Productos Colcar has not been alien and continues to work to comply with the supply chain, maintaining the qualities and effectiveness of our hot melt adhesives.

Few weeks ago we knew relevant news for our sector. Source that proclaimed it, the Spanish Association of Plastic Industry (ANAIP) , reported then that “plastics transformation companies (product manufacturers) both in Spain and in the The rest of Europe had been observing a significant increase in the price of raw materials for several months, a circumstance derived from the shortage of supply that causes delays in production and in the delivery of orders ”.

Cause is none other than reduction in the supply of polymers for plastics transformation sector in Europe, “very similar to what occurred in first half of 2015”. “A reality that affects – argued ANAIP – more than 60,000 companies in Europe and only in Spain more than 3,000 companies, 98% of them SMEs”.

Among this business group affected is Productos Colcar, company that, in the early 1960s, was one of the first to introduce hot melt adhesives in Spain. According to Sales director, Antonio Frances, “reduction in the supply of polymers, the basis of our hot melt adhesives, is palpable, although, for the moment, it does not represent a serious risk for the daily development in our activity of manufacturing hot-melt adhesives ”.

Committed to our clients

It should not be forgotten that shortage of polymers makes difficult to buy them at reasonable prices. In fact, this raw material is experiencing increases and many companies are forced, not only to pass on the price increases to their customers, but also to ration it supply.

In our case, we continue to use our regular suppliers, with whom we maintain a relationship of trust and who guarantee us a regular supply, despite the slight decrease in volume. “We understand that now we are living moments of euphoria, but we sense that in a few months we will return to normality,” says Frances, who believes that “it will be then when prices will be regulated.

We understand that now we are living moments of euphoria, but we sense that in a few months we will return to normality ”, Frances says

And what is even better, today, we continue working to comply with our supply chain, maintaining the qualities and effectiveness of our hot melt adhesives. Therefore, from these lines we send a message of calm to our customers, who, for the moment, will continue receiving their orders as usual.

The experience of Productos Colcar in manufacturing hot melt adhesives for different sectors – mattresses, cases, tiles, boxes, caps, labels, paper bags, packaging … – is very extensive. Perhaps this is the reason why we have found a niche in this sector in which we stand out, among other aspects, for the quality of our products and excellent service, two aspects that we do not intend to alter given current situation.

Innovating and improving

Our R & D department spends 80% of its time developing new formulas or adapting existing ones. It also tests, over and over again, new technologies, until it manufactures a customized product that meets the demands of our customers.

To paraphrase the modern marketing guru, Stanley Rapp, “it is not enough to satisfy customers, now you have to leave them delighted.” And we are not going to stop doing it, because “your satisfaction is the most important thing,” says our sales director at Productos Colcar.

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