Productos Colcar manufactures hot melt adhesives for displays and PLV

Did you know that hot melt adhesives are also present in advertising? Yes, the POS displays and displays that many companies use to advertise their products or services are made with hot melt adhesives. In this post we detail why many companies choose the glues manufactured by Productos Colcar. 

Whether you belong to the Marketing and Advertising area or not, you have surely heard of Place of Sale Advertising (POS). It is a strategy whose objective is none other than to advertise a product or service using exhibitors, displays and other POS formats.

To fulfill their purpose, companies design attractive advertisements, mostly on advertising displays or exhibitors – purely communicative POS elements – aimed at convincing potential clients to choose their brand from the infinite variety on the market.

These are elements with avant-garde or traditional designs, but very elegant and impressive that, in turn, are made with safe and reliable materials. Hot melt adhesives are often used in them, of course! Well, any effective advertising of a product must meet all the established requirements, not only in terms of communication and design, but also industrially, that is, the performance of the support used for this purpose.

Productos Colcar manufactures hotmelt adhesives for all types of displays and POS displays. Our experience in the development of this type of hot melt adhesives means that we have made you a benchmark in this field.

Hot melt adhesives for displays and POS displays

Gluing of displays or exhibitors to execute a POS campaign is very important. Manufacturers look for consistent materials to achieve quality finishes. For this reason, they opt for hot melt adhesives that more than meet the objectives set.

Thermoplastic in nature, these are polymer-based products that, due to their composition, provide broad benefits to those who use them, such as:

  • These are fast glues, whose bonding between the substrates is done in a very short time.
  • It present a higher and their applicaperformancetion is very simple, which favors the reduction of times.
  • They are capable of joining any type of surfaces.
  • They favor high speed productions without creating threads.
  • They are harmless for the health of those who handle them, since volatile organic compounds are eliminated.
  • They are very elastic, making them suitable for displays and flexible displays.
  • They are sold in bulk, which makes them easier to handle and cheaper.

Custom made hot melt adhesives

Productos Colcar offers you a range of resistant and effective hot melt adhesives, which will adapt to your demands. Among them are the H-651 and H-662, ideal for this type of application.

Remember that all our adhesives are compatible with all machines, application methods and production processes, so you will not fail when choosing the one that best suits your needs.

However, our sales representatives and technical team are at your entire disposal to find out how useful you are going to give the product. With this information, our colleagues in the laboratory will carry out necessary physical and chemical tests to ensure that the adhesive in question meets your demands.

We can also help you to optimize application of hot melt adhesive on the machine you are using to apply it, adjusting its parameters or modifying the adhesive formula to obtain the maximum production performance.

As you can see, at Productos Colcar nothing resists us!

If you need more information, you can contact us through


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