The logistics is very important for being able to give a good service to the customers. It’s vital to have the sufficient space for stocking up the raw materials and also the finished products.
All of this has a positive influence in the performance of the production lines and it allows having a largest stock of available products. The customers appreciate both things because they improve the client service, which joined with a good quality product allow us to be a reliable supplier that always fulfil with the product specifications marked by customers.
For being able to provide the value and the service that our customers deserve, we have opened a new warehouse of approximately 1000 square meters annex to our fabrication plant. Also, we have decided to equip it with quicker means for loading and unloading of trucks and containers, for accelerating the process and benefit to our customers.
In this form, for your fabrication necessities and always if your consumption justify it, you can ask for us to have a security stock of the product used by your company in our warehouse.
As well as a new warehouse, we offer you great advantages with respect to other companies: We can make a custom-fitted product observing your company necessities. If this is your case, please contact with us.