Colcar Products certifies ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards

Satisfaction of our clients and protection of the environment are two of our priority objectives, which are reflected in obtaining ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 certificates, respectively. This is one more achievement that helps us to continue working for our clients, taking care of our environment, of course, and offering them custom-made industrial hotmelt adhesives!

At Productos Colcar we have always opted for a system that is as efficient as possible that would allow us to improve the quality of our products and services and, consequently, to satisfy our customers’ demands, always designing business strategies that prioritize the care of our environment. Two objectives that, without a doubt, shows the commitment to quality and the environment of Productos Colcar.

Always taking into account the process of continuous improvement and, after a rigorous work of analysis and adaptation of our team, facilities and systematics to international standards, we have implemented and developed an Integrated Management System based on ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 because we believe that quality and effectiveness of our products are not at odds with caring for our environment.

After the audit process of our system carried out by an independent body, we have obtained certification in both standards for design, manufacture and marketing of industrial hotmelt adhesives.

There is no doubt that these 70 years of effort, dedication and commitment have been rewarded with the implementation of both Management Systems!

ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015, quality standards

ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards are international standards that allow implementation in an organization, both public and private and of any activity sector and size, a Quality Management System (QMS) and a Management System Environmental (SGMA), respectively.

Two certifications that positively result both on the entity that requests them and on the environment in which it carries out its activity, in our case, in the design, manufacture and marketing of hotmelt adhesives.

What does ISO 9001: 2015 contribute to a company?

Implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 and its subsequent certification by an independent body increases the organization’s ability to provide products and services that meet the needs of its customers. But, in addition, this certification allows to gain market share thanks to the trust that the breeder company generates among its customers, consumers and suppliers.

ISO 9001: 2015 also helps the entity to measure the effectiveness of its management system in accordance with international standards, improving and systematizing production processes and reinforcing the organization’s ability to achieve the set strategic objectives.

ISO 9001: 2015 helps entity to measure effectiveness of its management system in accordance with international standards

ISO 9001: 2015, in addition, influences improvement of the company’s image by achieving delivery deadlines and optimizing human and material costs. In this sense, it improves efficiency of the company, increasing in turn motivation of human capital around a common project, minimizing the risk of not complying with the obligations to the client.

Therefore, obtaining this standard avoids technical and border barriers and pushes the organization to carry out an analysis of risks and opportunities associated with its environment and objectives.

What benefits does ISO 14001: 2015 provide?

From environmental perspective risk management, ISO 14001: 2015 demonstrates commitment and respect of an organization with the environment, as well as the commitment to improving efficiency.

As demanding as rigorous, this standard is limited to the environmental aspects that are generated in each of the activities carried out by the entity. In this sense, it promotes environmental protection to avoid problems such as pollution, excessive consumption of resources or energy or waste generation.

At Productos Colcar we have always transmitted security to our clients by designing high quality products and providing them with an excellent service. We have achieved this based on the fact that the environment is the necessary support to live and develop.

For Productos Colcar, environment is the necessary support to live and develop

In this sense, we have always opted for a real commitment to protect the environment, which we have achieved by optimizing our manufacturing processes of our hotmelt adhesives, which are now much more effective, and reducing energy and raw material consumption, thus reducing the waste generated.

Satisfaction of our clients and protection of the environment are two of our priority objectives, which are reflected in obtaining ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 certificates, respectively. This is one more achievement that helps us to continue working for our clients, taking care of our environment, of course, and offering them custom-made industrial hotmelt adhesives!

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