Current situation has caused by CoV-SARS-2 (Covid-19) pandemic around the world has changed the way of working and relating to suppliers and customers in the business environment. Adapting to the new action protocols established by the health authorities has been a challenge for companies in their implementation in the workplace. Productos Colcar has far exceeded this by creating a contingency plan to stop the spread of Covid-19, guaranteeing, at all times, the safety and health of the people involved.
Seems that we already have the vaccine. The remedy to stop Covid-19 has arrived in our country. However, despite this great advance, experts recommend not to lower our guard and continue applying the appropriate measures to avoid the spread of infections.
At Productos Colcar we have always ensured the safety and health of our employees and, despite the fact that Covid-19, in most work activities, is not considered an occupational risk by the Labor and Social Security Inspection (ITSS) We are clear that we must work to prevent its expansion.
For this, our Third Party Prevention Service (SPA), together with the company management, has designed and implemented an effective contingency plan that is mandatory for all workers, suppliers and clients. This plan contains a series of necessary measures, since each and every one of them plays an important role and their correct combination guarantees success.
Contingency plan to guarantee safety and health at work
Product quality and care for the environment are visible pillars for our customers. Likewise, the Prevention of Occupational Risks is another of the foundations on which the business philosophy of Productos Colcar is sustained. With the onset of the pandemic, this commitment has been, if possible, stronger.
Since State of Alarm was decreed in our country last March, Productos Colcar has always ensured the welfare and safety of workers. With the return to activity, we have adapted to the new normal, guaranteeing the safety and health of both the workers and all those who interact with the company.
Individual and collective protection measures
With the aim of facilitating the correct development of their activity for employees, Productos Colcar offers them protective equipment, especially masks and disinfectant solutions, soap and gels, as well as cleaning material to be able to carry out daily disinfection tasks, among they bleach and / or authorized products.
A single measure is not effective in stopping or controlling the spread of CoV-SARS-2. For this reason, and with the aim of facilitating employees the correct development of their activity, including their safety and that of our clients, Productos Colcar offers them various measures, the combination of which makes the efficiency exponentially improve, and which we detail below:
Mandatory use of hydroalcoholic disinfectant gel, which employees can find at the entrance of the work center and common areas, and temperature control. Likewise, hand washing with soap and water is encouraged during the day.
Mandatory use of a mask, at all times, both at workstations and in common areas.
Strong recommendation to maintain the minimum safety distance of at least 1.5 m.
Capacity limitation, with a maximum of 3 people, in common areas such as changing rooms and bathrooms.
Continuous information through the placement of posters in various visible points of the establishment, reminding both employees and external visitors of the basic security measures to comply with.
Prohibition of sharing personal objects that may pose a risk of contagion and application of correct maintenance and disinfection of the work uniform that, at the end of the working day, must be transported in a closed bag for proper washing and disinfection, as well as food and utensils that are taken to the center must be placed in a closed container with a lid, from which they will only be removed while ingested.
Cleaning of the facilities, common areas (warehouse, store, offices, changing rooms and toilets) and workstations once a week, by external personnel who perform this function. The cleaning of those elements of habitual contact in the facilities such as cranks, controls, switches, handrails, stairs, etc. have been reinforced. At the same time, the individualized use of tools and other work equipment is encouraged, and if they are shared, as far as possible and proper management of the waste of masks, gloves, etc. is established, making available staff closed containers at various points in the establishment.
In collaboration with an external entity, our company also conducts training and awareness sessions for the entire workforce and management to achieve greater effectiveness in the use of equipment and individual security measures.
The company has also established an action protocol for symptoms compatible with Covid-19 or suspected contagion.
Those responsible for each area and designated managers will ensure compliance with all measures, as well as that all workers have a mask for their own safety and that of the rest of the workers.
Coordination of activities with other companies
In addition to the measures described in the protocol, all company workers may go to the SPA with any questions that may arise and that may imply a risk both for their own health and safety and for the people around them.
Likewise, the Health Service of the Occupational Risk Prevention Service will be in charge of establishing the mechanisms for the investigation and follow-up of close contacts and symptomatic personnel within the scope of its competences, in coordination with the Public Health authorities.
From Productos Colcar we thank all the workers for the great involvement they are showing. We are clear that together we can stop the spread of this pandemic.
If you need more information, you can contact us through However, you can read this article, in which we detail some security measures against Covid-19 that we have already been applying in our facilities, this other one in which we show our firm commitment to prevent the spread.