Productos Colcar applies security measures against Covid-19 for the return to work of employees

On the occasion of the reinstatement of our workers, at Colcar we have adopted a series of measures aimed at complying with the principle of minimizing the risk of Covid-19 infections. Some of them are maintaining interpersonal distance, avoiding crowds, avoiding sharing equipment, avoiding contact between workers or between them and customers, maintaining hygiene in the factory and reducing the risk of contact.

Covid-19 is currently one of the main problems that most worries society in general. The basic measures to control the spread of the virus go through interpersonal distancing and proper hygiene, both personally and in common facilities.

At Productos Colcar we take health of our workers, suppliers and customers very seriously because, for us, human capital is essential. For this reason, coinciding with the return to work of our employees and in the middle of phase 2 of de-escalation, we have contributed our grain of sand to control the spread of the virus.

We have done it following the recommendations established by health & safety authority, and applying the necessary protocols to control the spread of the virus.

Security measures against Covid-19

Our social commitment is vital. Hence, we have adopted a package of measures to avoid direct contact between workers and suppliers, complemented by protection measures to prevent the virus from spreading. In this sense:

  • We have enabled systems to reduce concurrency at the entrances, making the hours of entry and exit of the workers more flexible, establishing safety distances for them at the entrance and requesting responsible statements from employees.
  • Whenever possible, we will prioritize teleworking and always keeping a reduced capacity.
  • At all times, workers perform proper personal hygiene for which they have soap and water, as well as hydroalcoholic gels.
  • As established at cleaning and disinfection protocol, we disinfect properly and with virucidal products authorized by the Ministry of Health all the shared equipment and, of course, we carry out an in-depth cleaning on shift changes.
  • Private facilities of the workers (toilets, dining rooms and changing rooms) are disinfected with a frequency that guarantees that, in no case, will they be the focus of contagion.
  • We have disabled vending machines. Thus, we will avoid possible contagions due to fomites
  • Continuing with our effective waste management policy – one of our commitments to ISO 14001 – we continue to segregate them, but keeping in mind that those waste associated with Covid-19 is part of the rest fraction.
  • Cleaning staff continiusly work on sanitizing high-contact surfaces and especially shift changes. All our personnel use suitable protective equipment.
  • We have enabled our facilities with the premise of getting as little contact as possible. In this way, corridors are only one-way, while we have implemented measures to control occupation of toilets, changing rooms and dining rooms.
  • Aware of the importance of training and information about our human capital, in general, and regarding the Covid-19, in particular, our workers have received training on the measures adopted in this regard. We also maintain the information related to Covid-19 that we transmit to our workers based on the information established by health & safety authority and our committee of experts in the field of PRL and Covid-19.

Factory security measures

In order to ensure safety and health of our workers, we have adopted a series of measures in our factory, such as:

  • Interpersonal distance that our workers maintain is 3 meters, increasing the distance recommended by the Ministry of Health and reducing the exposure of our employees.
  • Additionally, and to avoid possible contagions, workers have surgical masks (they act as collective protection for workers) and disposable nitrile gloves.
  • We have reduced the capacity of our personal at our factory, establishing two work shifts, so that the occupancy of the factory is below the ratios established by the health authority.

Security measures in the office

Safety of our employees in the office is also important. To guarantee it …

Teletrabajo Colcar Covid
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    • We have reduced personal capacity of our facilities, prioritizing teleworking and combining attendance at the office on alternate days to avoid the concurrence of workers.
    • Meetings between our workers are carried out by means of video calls.
    • We have taken into account wishes of our employees when back to work.


    Safe work is a duty and an obligation!

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